The Subway Rambler (Online)

This isn't from some guy who just spends his time rambling around the tunnels of the MTA. The name is a shortened form of the blog's original title, "That Rambling Guy on the Subway, Online." Hope that clears things up for you.

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Name: Dave Kopperman
Location: Tappan, NY, United States

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Painted Veil

This film had a lot working against it - not least of which Ed Norton and Liev Schrieber - but it turns out I liked it quite a bit. Well-paced, possibly predictable but a really affecting 'love' story nonetheless. Naomi Watts turned in her usual luminous performance full self-revelation (she does have the eyes for showing moments of sudden clarity).

What the heck. Good movie.



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