The Subway Rambler (Online)

This isn't from some guy who just spends his time rambling around the tunnels of the MTA. The name is a shortened form of the blog's original title, "That Rambling Guy on the Subway, Online." Hope that clears things up for you.

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Name: Dave Kopperman
Location: Tappan, NY, United States

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Still Nothing...

We continue the week of ellipses here at the Rambler, since I got not enough sleep last night and find myself racing the big hand and little hand as they both point vertical. Wait, that sounded odd, and kind of icky: I mean that it's getting close to midnight, I have an 8 AM meeting tomorrow and I'm still working on some stuff I need to finish for it.

So, no Rambler doesn't mean I don't care about you. It just means that I'm pretending that I'll get some work done tonight...



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