The Subway Rambler (Online)

This isn't from some guy who just spends his time rambling around the tunnels of the MTA. The name is a shortened form of the blog's original title, "That Rambling Guy on the Subway, Online." Hope that clears things up for you.

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Name: Dave Kopperman
Location: Tappan, NY, United States

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Aching Trackpad Hand

Here's the music magazine comic. The coloring took waaaaaay longer than I'd intended. And now, I have to go put together a new client presentation. That I have to drop off at my boss's house before class tomorrow morning. Which is at 7:30 AM. And it's 11 PM now. Good God.



Anonymous Ansley said...

Wow.. excellent, excellent, excellent...

Do you own this, or is it exclusive to the magazine?

October 22, 2008 1:16 AM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...


This one's mine.


October 22, 2008 1:22 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

I love your B&W work... but I really do like the way you colorized this one. The sky in particular. Everything's in just the right balance.

But "Comic Dave" always looks so sad and tired... )c:

October 22, 2008 10:14 AM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...

Thanks. I still haven't quite worked out how to balance the pen and ink work with the color, just yet. It's a mindset that goes something like this: the point of fine ink rendering is to substitute for volume and tone - color, in other words.

Thinking like this makes it difficult for me to prioritize line vs. color. Maybe that's why the comic Dave looks tired.

I'll put up the pencils and just inks sometime later this week - a point of comparison, and a great content filler!


October 22, 2008 10:29 AM  

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