The Subway Rambler (Online)

This isn't from some guy who just spends his time rambling around the tunnels of the MTA. The name is a shortened form of the blog's original title, "That Rambling Guy on the Subway, Online." Hope that clears things up for you.

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Name: Dave Kopperman
Location: Tappan, NY, United States

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Epsom Salts

You're soaking in it! Well, I am, at any rate. The big toe on my right foot is roughly twice the size of the left, leaving it looking like an organic clown shoe. And now the cat is trying to drink from my toe bath.



Blogger Karl said...

And what did you do to your toe to cause this unnecessary increase in it's size?

April 25, 2009 12:21 PM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...

I didn't go into the gruesome detail, but if you read yesterday's entry, you'll note that I had an ingrown toenail removed. And those always insist on infecting your toe before they're evicted.


April 25, 2009 3:06 PM  
Blogger Christine said...


April 25, 2009 8:53 PM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...

Yeah, there really is nothing nice about that post. Sorry.

April 26, 2009 12:57 AM  

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