As if you cared...
...I'm just gonna say it: I think that Bing is the superior search engine to Google. It returns more on-topic searches, has a more intuitive refinement process, and it just looks better. In fact (and bear in mind that I write this using Google's "Blogger" tool), I generally think most of Google's products are kind of half-assed, that just barely do what they're designed to do, just to keep the Google brand alive to keep their core business running, which is in developing a monopoly on web advertising.
This is the failing of the economy of free - things look like shit and have minimal - one might say 'begrudging' - functionality. Welcome to the age of cloud computing. Fuckin' hooray.
This is the failing of the economy of free - things look like shit and have minimal - one might say 'begrudging' - functionality. Welcome to the age of cloud computing. Fuckin' hooray.
"This is the failing of the economy of free - things look like shit and have minimal - one might say 'begrudging' - functionality."
This is why capitalism - and thus competition - is good. ;)
"Welcome to the age of cloud computing. Fuckin' hooray."
I have extra Google Wave invites if you're interested... to me, it's boring as shit, but GG is (of course) trying to get his whole office on it, which will probably be a better application for it...
Wait... did I say that Capitalism was bad? If so, I missed it. :|
And you can keep your Wave. If Wave is anything like Google Docs, Blogger, Mail or Picasa, it'll just make me sad. All of these things are exhibits A in the Google drive for minimal functionality married to zero design, either for the sake of pure aesthetics or design practicalities like a workable, easily navigable interface.
It's a subtext of the above post, but when even fucking MICROSOFT makes a better-looking and (arguably) functioning product than you, maybe you should spend the extra 12ยข on a real designer.
Wave would make you sad. Wave makes ME sad. I'm just so bored by it.
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