The Subway Rambler (Online)

This isn't from some guy who just spends his time rambling around the tunnels of the MTA. The name is a shortened form of the blog's original title, "That Rambling Guy on the Subway, Online." Hope that clears things up for you.

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Name: Dave Kopperman
Location: Tappan, NY, United States

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Free Argument Clinic

Bored yet? Go over to Walrus Comix and have fun picking around their new forums (launched just today). I already wrote enough for five Rambler entries over there - take a gander to follow interesting, geeky discussions about Disney films, the Star Wars prequels, etc. I really let my freak flag fly, and it ain't pretty.

If you do go over there, you must back me up - any Lancourt enterprise always features a lot of tag-teaming, and it's thirsty work, keeping two threads of argument going at the same time!



Blogger Christine said...

I only go to that site for Vomit (which has been sadly lacking)...

January 16, 2009 9:40 AM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...

Yeah, I really need to get pukin'.


January 16, 2009 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Ansley (The Walrus) said...

Christine: Why? Did you check out the rest of the site and not like it?

Dave: Yeah.. get puking already... I can set up a WordPress blog just for VC if you want.. then you can do all the shit yourself on it...

January 16, 2009 11:52 AM  
Blogger Dave Kopperman said...

I've been meaning to - but don't do it until I've got some backlog built up.


January 16, 2009 12:25 PM  
Anonymous Ansley said...

Just say when and I'll get on it...

January 16, 2009 1:33 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Ansley, I was just taking an opportunity to give Dave shit for his lack of comic output. Nothing against the site. In fact, now that I've discovered that "Guess the Rack?" is part of the actual site and not an ad that will result in numerous unwelcome pop-ups, I will probably visit more.

January 16, 2009 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Ansley said...

We got rid of the Rack... It offended a few people and I decided to go with a compromise..

January 17, 2009 3:23 PM  

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